Top Content Writing Trends in 2022

Development of digital and video content designed to engage members, drive membership recruitment, and provide education and training exploded between 2020 and 2022. Virtual events and training as well as the need for information that could be quickly and easily be changed and accessed – in some cases on a daily or weekly basis – increased the need for effective web-based content.

According to business content platform, Adsy, there are five trends in 2022 that organizations that publish content should understand:

  1. Users are your first priority. Putting customers (or members) first is the biggest success driver. Creating personas for members and writing to the questions they are likely to ask and providing information that they are most often searching for will ensure a higher engagement level. Easy-to-read text, well-organized articles and blogs, and fresh and unique content are essential to reach members.
  2. SEO content writing best practices are critical. While members are the first priority, all writing for web-based information should take search engines into account as well – otherwise, members and potential members won’t find you. Optimizing keywords, developing creative title tags, using visuals and internal links, and creating structured articles with headers that include keywords will improve search results.
  3. Personalized content produces more results. Segmenting an audience based on personas allows personalization of email subject lines and messages that result in increased open rates – an average open rate improvement of 5.9%.
  4. Invest in quality written content. Although short blogs and videos may be good to present a single bit of news or a quick overview of an issue, don’t forget the importance of white papers, case studies, or long articles to explain complex topics. Long-form content is also important to SEO when it contains unique, in-depth, and relevant content filled with correct keywords.
  5. Diversify and repurpose content. One type of content is not enough to grab attention. The good news is that a long-form piece of content, such as a white paper or case study, can be used to create complementary blogs, infographics, videos, social media posts, etc. This adds value to the content development investment and reaches members in multiple locations.

To read the full article on content trends, click here. For information on development of personas for recruitment and communications campaigns, see this blog.
