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People join professional, industry, and community organizations for a variety of reasons that include networking opportunities, skills development, or desire to give back to others, but everyone also wants to be part of a group that includes people who they like, admire, and respect. While listing benefits of membership is an effective way to quantify the value an association membership...
Recent years have seen greater demand from consumers and employees for companies to speak out on societal issues. In the Edelman Trust Barometer 2021, 61% of respondents said they trusted companies more than the government (53%) or media (51%). A significant percentage of the same study’s respondents – 86% – expect CEOs to speak out on social issues. As businesses...
Committees are an important part of the association, no matter what size the staff is. For smaller associations, committee participation is essential. As Steve Neidlinger, CAE, executive director of the Pennsylvania Academy of General Dentistry, humorously points out in a call for committee members, a staff of one has its advantages – for example, no complaints when fish is heated...
According to a 2018 report, the global event industry generated $1.5 trillion to economies around the world. Although corporate and professional and trade associations are returning to in-person events, the industry is not expected to return to pre-pandemic levels before 2023, and some experts predict that attendance at business-related events will lag beyond that. Nine emerging trends for events from...
If you’re a fan of the television show “Friends,” you know that Joey Tribbiani’s signature pickup line was “How you doin?” Although association leaders are not looking for a pickup line with a 47.6% success rate, they should follow Joey’s lead and check in with members periodically to see what they think of the association. Membership surveys can provide excellent...
Development of digital and video content designed to engage members, drive membership recruitment, and provide education and training exploded between 2020 and 2022. Virtual events and training as well as the need for information that could be quickly and easily be changed and accessed – in some cases on a daily or weekly basis – increased the need for...
Just as everyone is dealing with rising costs in their personal lives – food, gasoline, supplies, etc. – associations are also facing increased expenses to provide member services. Throughout the previous two years, many associations froze membership dues to help members better manage their budgets, but prices for supplies, wages, and events continued to rise. Michelle Peterson of Marketing General...
The success of any designed communications piece – magazine, website, brochure, infographic, or direct mail – is dependent on writers, editors, and graphic designers working well together. This sounds easy – we are after all, working toward the same goal, right?  Well, the goal for all may be a magazine that educates members or a conference direct mail piece that...
When an association reaches a landmark anniversary such as 25, 50, 75, or 100 years, there is cause for celebration and coverage of the event in all association publications. But the challenge is finding a way to mark the anniversary in a way that is meaningful to association staff, current members, and legacy members. Associated Builders & Contractors, Southeast Michigan...
Representatives of 416 associations provided their insights into the economic outlook for trade and professional organizations for the next year. The results predict a powerful economic rebound for 2022 and outline the changes in staffing, meetings, and spending that will be continued as organizations continue to recover from the challenges of the past two years. Respondents (92%) believe their association...
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